
The inventor of the 401(k) thinks it has gone awry

Expand your business with Brave Ads

Get your product in the eyes of valuable audiences, with the world's first global ad platform built on privacy.

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Powerful ad formats

Communicate your message via attention-grabbing mobile (Android, iOS) and desktop notifications (on PC, MacOS and Linux).

Windows system notification ad format example.
MacOS system notification ad format example. User Ads (operating system notifications)
Sponsored Image (on the new tab page) Sponsored Images (on the new tab page)

Brave uses local machine learning with the browser profile to only deliver ads in optimal conditions, when users aren’t distracted or focused on something else.

Be part of the future of advertising

Powerful and private

Brave uses local machine learning with the browser profile to only place ads in optimal conditions. Ads are matched to opportunities, and users become partners instead of targets.

Reporting with integrity

Brave’s anonymous-but-accountable attribution model confirms event activity, without exposing or identifying the user.

Empowered users

Brave provides users the option to control the ad frequency and scheduling, and control how much or little information they provide to brands.

Rewarding experience

Users receive 70% of the revenue share in BAT, which can be contributed to content creators or redeemed through Brave Rewards.

Learn more about our pricing, guidelines, and how it all works.

Join the brands already succeeding with Brave Ads

“As a company focused on helping brands create websites, software, and campaigns, we were very interested in running ads on Brave. The results we’re seeing to date have exceeded our expectations.”

Jesse Parenteau, CEO at Ettrics

I'm ready to boost my business

Or for more information about setting up, contact adsales@brave.comPlease only use this email address if you are interested in purchasing advertising with Brave. For support, please visit

Click here for media kit and pricing.